Alphabet, Google’s parent company has emerged as the fourth US company to surge a market cap of $1 trillion. The company hit the highest number just hours before the markets closed down on Thursday. This surged marked the trading amounts of that day to $1,451.70 per share, up 0.87 per cent.
Mountain View, California-based Alphabet was created on October 2, 2015, through a corporate restructuring process. Later, it went on to become the parent company of giant search engine Google and other subsidiaries of it. Alphabet at present is the fourth largest tech-based company in terms of total revenue and as one of the most valuable companies in the world. After its creation, two founders of Google Larry Page and Sergey Bin took up executive roles in Alphabet as CEO and President, respectively.
Alphabet’s path to $1 trillion

Alphabet was formed as a wish to make the core internet services of Google ‘much cleaner, better and accountable’ while providing higher autonomy to the group organizations. In December 2019, Larry Page and Sergey Bin resigned from their posts from Alphabet, with Sundar Pichai filling in as the CEO and the former standing as controlling shareholders of the Alphabet Company.
Before Alphabet became the parent company of Google, it was Google Inc. which was first structured and supposed to be the owner of Alphabet. The roles were later reversed after a potential placeholder subsidiary was formed for the ownership of Alphabet Company, during which the newly formed subsidiary was meticulously was merged with Google.
The news of Alphabet’s reaching the staggering $1 trillion mark knocks door when the organization is rushing through a period of turbulence. It was only in the last month that the two founders stepped down, stating the act as a “natural time to simplify our management structure.” Alphabet also saw multiple claims of sexual misconduct by executives. This resulted in massive protests of around 20,000 employees from work.
2020 too brought no reprise. Search giant Google was recently sued by audio company Sonos, claiming that Google knowingly copied and stole smart speaker technology from them and used its industry clout to quieten the smaller company.
However, market analysts and investors are far from bothered about these claims. Analysts are ever optimistic about Alphabet’s performance, which is slated to rise high with the stepping in of Sundar Pichai as CEO, who replaced Larry Page.

Alphabet Company is expected to report its fourth-quarter earnings on February 3, whereby Wall Street analysts and experts are expecting the company to show revenue of amount $46.9 billion. This is a year-over-year surge of almost 20 per cent in total.
Earlier, Apple was the first US company to surge the $1 trillion cap in the years 2018. This was followed by Amazon and then Microsoft, which rose to the $1 trillion mark in the year April 2019. Amazon, since its surge has dropped below the figure failing to hold the position. The first company to ever surge the $1 trillion market cap for a brief time was PetroChina in the year 2017. In 2019, Saudi Aramco became the first 42 trillion company after it debuted on the Riyadh stock exchange in December month.
According to Fortune, the trillion-dollar companies from across the world are the most profitable in the world in the last year. That was the list which had Saudi Aramco in the top list, Apple at the second and Alphabet on the 7th position. Market analysts are not eyeing Facebook as the next company to rising high to surge the $1 trillion market cap.