Entrepreneurship and business leadership is all about managing risks and mobilizing resources. In fact, one of the top leadership qualities is to turn a great idea into a successful business venture. The most successful leaders are competent, however, a few qualify as truly remarkable and leave a mark in the history of business leadership. If you want to join the ranks, read some very inspiring reads on entrepreneurship and business leadership.
Leadership Goals: Finding Your Purpose
It’s not unusual in the success stories that we find ordinary people who have become pioneers. They begin with no material means and go on to lead successful multi-million dollar companies that promise to change the world. Besides being inspired by their vision, you will find that these people lead from the soul in the twists and turns of the real world. In fact, by choosing a passion fueled vision as a path to success, the real world becomes a phenomenal place for leaders, a place where success leads to personal discovery.
Business leadership is an evolving journey. The rough-and-tumble lying before you is often unpredictable. But, that doesn’t mean that you need to lead without a map. As we’ll see, the core of leadership is to define your vision and manifest it into the world.
Leadership and Management Mistakes to Avoid
We get it. Leadership is hard. Every leader, young or old, harm their employees and themselves with obvious leadership and management mistakes. If leadership were easy, any Tom, Dick, or Harry could do it. A valuable mistake is the one you learn and grow from. So, avoid this most common leadership mistakes at all costs.
Are you making any one of this leadership and management mistakes? Which one do you commit to working on fixing in the time ahead? What are the specific steps you’re committing to, to become a more successful leader.
How to be a Self-Made Millionaire by 30
So, you want to be a self-made millionaire? Bingo! You and almost every other person on the planet want the same thing. However, only a small percentage of people are able to do it. Here’s why: millionaires attribute their success to habits they learned from their parents or mentor or book mentors. The secret to their success is the habits they picked along the journey to success. Becoming a millionaire is not an easy task, one has to stick to rich habits. Here are a few secrets on how to be a rich by 30.
Why Mothers Make Great Business Leaders
Some very prominent female CEOs – Indra Nooyi, Meg Whitman, Mary Barra, and Irene Rosenfeld – are all mothers. Mothers possess many of the significant qualities inherent in great business leaders. Mothers are excellent budget experts and project managers on any given day. Their resilience, adaptability, and fluidity make them a valuable asset in the corporate setting. Here are four reasons why mothers make successful business leaders.
Leadership Goals: Using Humor to Reinforce Inventiveness
Many successful people don’t start with grand ambitions of world domination but a joke. When Mark Zuckerberg, created Facebook, he wasn’t trying to build a global company worth $245 billion, he was wrapped up deep in seditious humor. Of course, many think he did it for the money. In reality, Facebook was developed in his Harvard dormitory as a web platform for fellow students to rate people’s attractiveness from a choice of photos. Within 24 hours, “The Facebook,” as it was originally known; became so popular that it crashed the university’s servers, but not before it caused enough outrage to get banned from college.
5 Leadership Qualities Every Entrepreneur Must Have
Great entrepreneurship requires a great idea, but he also needs some of the business leadership qualities to bring his concept to life. While finding an exceptional idea is rare enough, the capability of implementing the idea fruitfully is what separates the business leaders from the dreamers.
They say, “Strong leaders are born, not made.” This might be true to some extent as the ability of leadership is innate. However, leadership qualities can be developed by anyone to be an effective leader, whether they need to lead just one staff member, multiple teams or an entire company. Here are some of the leadership qualities that you must have as an entrepreneur.
5 Things Most Influential Leaders Do
The people you remember in your life are the ones who influenced you in one way or another. These people make you listen to their thoughts and ideas while also appreciating the same from your side. It might be one of the most influential leaders of the world or it might be your parents, teacher, boss or a colleague.
Real influence does not come with title or position. It comes from understanding individuals and their most fundamental and basic needs and wants. Everyone wants to be heard, understood, and appreciated at some level. Some people have a natural ability to charm and influence people while others need to develop the art of influencing.
If you do not possess the charm already, here are some things that most influential leaders do, and you can learn the art of influencing by following their footprints. It is not necessary to be a leader that everyone knows; you can also impact your employees, colleagues, friends, and family by inspiring them through your influential skills.