Everyone has that sudden realization in life when he says to himself that he has really grown up. This phenomenon mainly takes place if a major change happens in one’s life. The company to be talked about over here might give you the same feeling. A majority of us have grown up watching Disney cartoons. In fact, in school, we were even taught about the biography of its founder, Walt Disney. Instead of laughing at the silly tactics of Mickey Mouse and Goofy, times have changed and here you are reading about the business acquisition by your favorite medium of entertainment.
Even though the deal is still in its discussion stages, there is a lot of media attention around it. This is mainly because of the involvement of two of the companies who changed the face of television and cinema. The Walt Disney Company apparently has its eyes on buying almost all the branches of 21st Century Fox Studios. It won’t be wrong to say that both these companies have ruled the entertainment industry on an international basis for the past few decades. The idea of these two media houses coming together is definitely intriguing and will result in some great quality of work. The talks of this deal have subsided for a while, but they might spark up again anytime soon.

Disney may buy Fox Studios’ entertainment assets
The news about this potential deal was first out on Monday by CNBC. Two people close to the companies confirmed these rumors but requested to maintain anonymity about their identities. When later asked by the spokeswomen of both the companies, they refused to comment. This gives us an idea that Disney and Fox Studios don’t want anything to come out in the open unless things are in the final stage. Also, there are speculations that the deal can be worth somewhere around $3 billion.
21st Century Fox Studios has been a big name in the entertainment industry for a while now. Therefore its decision of selling its entertainment assets is a little surprising. This move by both the companies may be in order to compete with the growing competition by companies such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. This might be a move by Disney to get bigger in order to attract more investors as well as viewers. As almost everything is available on the internet, even Disney needs to widen the horizon of services it offers. This move will help the company do so.