Are you ready to spend a rather hefty sum for arguably unforgettable moments? If yes, just be prepared to dive deep into your pocket as the world’s most expensive holidays ever costs around $1.5 million or £990,000 per couple. UK-based VeryFirstTo.com, the luxury travel agency, now offers the most expensive package holiday. But do not worry… If you want to embrace this lifetime experience by yourself, it is also possible for just the half of the sum and you will be able to admire every single UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Extravagant holiday for $1.5m
Has anyone ever dreamt about such an incredible holiday? For sure! But the fact is that to see every single UNESCO World Heritage Site with the help of VeryFirstTo.com, you will have to pay a lot – nothing to sneeze at. The price of the extravagant holiday, which takes “only” two years, is “just” $1.5 million per couple.
If you are among these lucky beggars who can leave their whole life for the two-year period to feast their eyes on 962 sites around the world recognized by UNESCO, just go for it and enjoy the world’s most expensive holiday ever! You will get a load of such sites like Taj Mahal in India, Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza, Opera House in Australia, the Great Wall in China, Cracow’s Historic Center in Poland, the Vatican City and many more. Not surprisingly, if you decide to buy the world’s most expensive package holiday, you will potentially have a chance to visit 157 countries.
But what’s with all these places which are located in so-called red zones? It is natural that you will not want to risk with your valuable life! Well, the answer is quite easy as VeryFirstTo.com underlines that all destinations must fulfill the terms of safety at the time of visit. Therefore the rule of “safety” will eliminate some destinations, for example sites that are located in Sudan, Bangladesh, etc. as these countries pose a threat to travelers. But if you insist to see some destinations that are now on the list of the most dangerous countries in the world, the company will do whatever it takes to fulfill your whim.
Now, probably you are thinking: “Ok! What the heck! It is interesting, but why is it so expensive?” Well, you will pay $1.5 million for the world’s most expensive holiday ever as the luxury travel agency will provide you with the best accommodation in the most luxurious hotels all over the world, including the Hotel George V in Paris, the Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai and many more.
But the price is also so hefty as you will be travelling beleaguered with luxury in at least business class or superior when possible. All travels will be guided, but that is not so much surprising, huh?
If you are thinking that the world’s most expensive holiday ever is perfect for you, but at the same time you do not want to be regarded as a snob or egoist, there is only one piece of advice for you. Think twice as you will not only take your beloved one for the extraordinary and unforgettable holiday, but the travel company will make a donation of as much as $7300 to UNESCO!
Are you ready?
Are you ready to embark on a ship, plane, whatever to start your exorbitantly expensive lifetime adventure? Are you still not convinced? Sleep over it and remember that Andrew Barker, managing director of Hurlingham Travel, underlined: “This is certainly the most exciting trip we have ever managed and is the most remarkable travel adventure imaginable.”
If you are not ready to spend so much money or time, you can always go for other luxury and expensive holiday packages. Just open your imagination or look at some travel brochures and simply decide.