Can CEOs and employees be friends? One spends maximum time of the day I offices and spend more time with your boss than you do with people at home. Building a positive, equitable relationship with CEOs can make life easier for the boss and the employee.

Can CEOs and employees be friends?
Can CEOs and employees be friends is a very debatable question? As boss, you want to be liked, respected and trusted by your team. As an employee, being friends with the boss allows you to communicate freely, be privy to guarded information, share ideas and even disagree knowing that there won’t be any consequences.
Can leaders be friends with employees?,
Much as in any relationship, maintaining healthy boundaries can help both the boss and the employees to exceed and excel. However, a CEO is a CEO first and then a friend. So the answer to can leaders be friends with employees, here are some tips to maintain a healthy relationship.
Be a leader not the winner of a popularity contest.
Your team looks up to leadership that commands trust with support that is equitable.
Be fair
One of the easiest traps for bosses to fall in, is when you buddy up to an employee and favor him/her over others due to the ‘halo’ effect. You will be seen as a boss who plays favorites and it may have repercussions on the morale of the team.
Be consistent
Being consistent and professional in the way you treat, each member of the team. However, you don’t have to downplay or apologize for your friendship or be harder on those employees who are friends.
Freedom in feedback
Ensure there is enough space to offer constructive feedback to help them grow.
Be professionally friendly.
Mind your language.
The way you speak can encourage your employees to talk back in the same tone. A fine balance between respect and comfort is helpful.
Know when to recuse yourself
In case of conflicting bias, during a performance review or reward program, you may want to assign someone else to handle the review.
Inspire success
As a boss, your collaborative and supportive approach must challenge employees to be exemplary and do better without cutting them too much slack.
Why you shouldn’t be friends with employees?
There are some who vehemently disagree with being friends with employees. The reason they give for why you shouldn’t be friends with employee is, they are not equal to you in the way that your friends are.
- When team members feel “equal” to their leader, they are more likely to take liberties and undermine their authority.
- They’ll struggle to imagine how their “friend” would call them out for doing something wrong, or not allow them to bend (or even break) the rules.
- This could mean being a little less punctual or leaving work early because they think you won’t mind, or avoiding tasks they don’t really want to do.
Though are few who swear on CEOs and employees be friends as it can lead to better team support and an aligned vision through friendships. The debate for Can CEOs and employees be friends can swing any way and both could be true.
As a leader being friends with employees is a bridge that can only be strengthened by interpersonal bonds. Though it is found that friendship with leaders is instrumental in creating healthy ground for debate, discussion and sharing ideas for personal and professional growth.
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