Incredibly successful people tend to appear calm and collected at all times. But nothing could be further from the truth. Like ducks, they paddle furiously beneath the surface, which propels them forward and makes them a successful person. People have always been curious about the hobbies of famous people. More than copying them, people unconsciously seek the affirmation that pursuing a hobby is good for one’s overall development. Furthermore, you can learn how to learn how to be successful.
Hobbies enhance one’s quality of life and also help manage leisure time more productively. If you are wondering how to be a successful person, one of the first things you need to do is pick up a hobby that suits you. The hobbies of famous people also offer us a sneak-peek into their private lives.

What makes people successful?
Succesful leaders strive to remain unbeaten and engage in various activities. Other than their diligence and hard work, successful people also take time out to pursue other interests. Most of them have a hobby or two that they pursue religiously. Spending even a few hours on your favorite hobby reduces the risk of depression and dementia. It also helps rejuvenate the mind and makes you confident. The hobbies of successful people are a source of happiness for them. They help keep the doldrums away for little to no charge and stretches the limits of one’s imagination.
To help you along, we have listed six hobbies of some of the most successful people in the world.
1. Running
Successful people often take time out for a run, which is why you never see them running away from problems. Neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki revealed in her 2018 Ted talk that regular exercise boosts your mood and memory — and protects your brain against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Media mogul Oprah Winfrey says, “Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.” Running regularly involves discipline and toughens you up physically and mentally. Former Motorola CEO Mike Zafirovski is known for participating in triathlons.
2. Playing Chess
If it is good enough for Virgin Atlantic founder Richard Branson, it is good enough for you. A successful person by any definition, Branson’s hobby is well-known by those around him. “I think chess may just be the best game in the world,” he wrote on Virgin’s blog. “It combines the greatest aspects of many different sports — tactics, planning, bravery, and risk-taking — plus you can have a cup of tea and often a stimulating conversation while you play!” Chess is also known to improve self-worth, attention span, and cognitive skills.
3. Playing Musical Instruments
Warren Buffet, or the Oracle of Omaha as he is popularly called, loves playing the ukulele. Researchers have found that playing an instrument can have a big role in what makes people successful. Regular practice enhances verbal memory, spatial reasoning, and literacy skills. And a successful person usually has all three skills in spades. Learning to play an instrument even lowers heart rate and blood pressure. Successful people often play one or more instruments as a hobby. Albert Einstein played the violin while Bill Gates turns to the saxophone to tune out his troubles.
4. Meditation
Many highly successful people are known to meditate to achieve heightened awareness and to silence their minds. From ancient times, meditation has been recommended by everyone from monks to doctors as the easiest way to reduce stress, boost immunity, and improve sleep. Former LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner has publicly acknowledged how much meditation helped him. Marc Beinoff, the billionaire CEO of Salesforce, takes nothing as seriously as meditation. Also, cofounder of the Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington practices daily meditation and asserts that it helps her avoid burnout.
5. Golfing
Well, golfing is usually associated with the rich and famous. If you find yourself golfing, you should just consider yourself a successful person. In the US, the average cost to play nine holes is around $35. Former US former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is passionate about golfing and calls it a thinking-person’s game. She says, “I find that I enjoy walking from shot to shot and deciding how I’m going to get out of this or that trouble. I just enjoy the strategy of it.” Michael Phelps, Samuel L Jackson, and Justin Timberlake are some of the other successful people who love to golf.
6. Gardening
The therapeutic effects of gardening include improved mental health and contentment. Audrey Hepburn once said, “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” Oprah Winfrey would agree. The talk show host is known to document her harvests on social media and owns an expansive garden in Maui. Another A-lister who recommends gardening is Nicole Kidman. All gardeners attest to the fact that something about getting your hands dirty, planting, nurturing, and watching seeds come to life brings a level of joy quite unlike any other.
The hobbies of leaders offer them the mental space to see the world in a new way, which is necessary for innovation and leadership. Knitting, hiking, sailing, reading, and cooking are a few honorable mentions in the list of hobbies of successful people. Hobbies are also a great way to meet people from different walks of life, and to gather fresh perspectives on the same thing.
Other than learning a new hobby, the journey of experiencing a new hobby is a reward in itself. Hobbies also challenge you and prepare you to deal with the unexpected in life and work.