Who doesn’t love reading startup stories? After all, these are the books that contain firsthand accounts of truly inspiring entrepreneurs’ journeys to success. While fictional pieces can give us a glimpse into a world that may be out of touch with reality, it’s bold and inspiring business autobiographies that turn out to make a whole world of difference with their pages filled with an honest portrayal of what’s needed to be a successful entrepreneur.
If we consider business autobiographies, we look at those that changed the lives of the aspiring entrepreneurs and made them think about their business. There are many business autobiographies, but only a few of them are truly remarkable.
4 Business Autobiographies You Shouldn’t Miss!
Here, we look at the most inspiring business autobiographies that can make you think about your life and your business venture. We made a list of truly interesting pieces that will change the overview of your present situation.

1. Losing My Virginity, Sir Richard Branson
In this autobiography, you will learn how to follow your instinct and win in any difficult situation. There is a story about Virgin Records when the business was down and Branson did not succeed to find any lucrative deal. He ran to a barber and cut his hair drastically to avoid looking like a hippy. It was a decision that made him fortune later on. A few months later, he signed with the Sex Pistols, and the history was made.
2. Let My People Go Surfing, Yvon Chouinard
“Let my people go surfing” is a testimony of the Patagonia founder who is passionate about nature and the environment. In one situation, he visited San Joaquin Valley where his idea to produce only 100% organic cotton came to light. In the valley, he could smell the selenium ponds and see the cotton field that let him think about cotton growth and production.
In this book, Chouinard also describes his work environment in Patagonia. His workers work flexible hours and he allows them to go surfing every time the waves are big and glassy. This makes the workers more productive and the job is done with more success.
3. Pour Your Heart Into It, Howard Schultz
Howard Schulz is not the founder of Starbucks, but he is a chairman emeritus and the former SEO of the company. He led the company to its present success and he has a lot to say about the dedication and persistence in building the business where the main ingredient is coffee.
Schultz never forgot his roots and his beginnings. He was raised in Canarsie, Brooklyn where no one had any privileged background. It was an area where people were facing difficulties and troubles on a daily level. For all these reasons, Schultz reminds us to never forget our roots and to always help the people where some potential exists.
4. Kitchen Confidential, Anthony Bourdain
Anthony Bourdain was a world-famous chef who had a passionate life inside and outside the kitchen. He traveled the world in search of the best tastes and he always managed to discover new potential in the places he visited.
In his book “Kitchen Confidential”, he describes his first experiences with sex, drugs, and new dishes. On one occasion, he tried to eat oysters and this experience was huge for him.
When it comes to the business message, you can find out that if you approach the business the right way, you can succeed. At the same time, success is very difficult in the world of cooking, which is why you have to have irrational and masochistic motives to do this job and reach perfection in every segment of the culinary act.
The book teaches us how to be completely involved in the business we do if we want to see a positive outcome.
All of these inspiring business autobiographies are there to show us the way of doing things in a detailed manner. Only if we completely devote ourselves to the business can we expect good results. That is why each business decision counts when it comes to overall success.
Read the mentioned books and see why some of the most popular business persons have that secret code for the business results.