Hard work and luck is not the only requirement to become successful in life. There are various reasons why some people are able to make it to the top while some people are made to follow them. To become successful in life, it is very important to strike the right balance. Stability in life helps achieve greatness. Therefore you shall always notice that great leaders live a steady and a balanced life by following a certain habits. It is good to know the things successful leaders do in order to reach there the way they did and maintain a position throughout.
A List of Things Successful Leaders Do:
Cracking the Day before the Crack of Dawn
Early to bed and early to rise makes an outlier healthy, wealthy, and wise. All great leaders will always see to it that they wake up early. When you start your day early, you tend to get that momentum where you feel energetic and jumpy. Waking late in the mornings can upset the body system, thus making you feeling lethargic and sluggish. Great leaders will never wake up after sunrise. In fact, by sunrise they tend to complete half their chores and get ready for work. Mornings are considered to be the most creative time of the day and outliers see to it that they make the most of it by starting on a fresh and enlightening note.

No means NO
People often feel that those who say no are rude and selfish. It is a misconception that people who deny things to others are not good people. In fact, people will only be able to make it to the top of the ladder if they learn to refuse in life. It is easy to say yes and make people happy. We need to realize that our life is not based on pleasing people. In order to lead a fruitful life, it is important to make yourself and your goals a priority. Saying no is the only way one can stop working to please others and work in the direction of reaching at the top of the tree. Outliers in society reach great heights because they learn the art of saying no in order to live life according to their own terms.

Workouts, Greens, and Proteins
Successful people are constantly seen working and slogging, putting extra efforts, and constantly on their toes. A good exercise goes a long way in keeping you fit to strive for more. To get into the groove, they see to it that they indulge in exercises so that they remain fit to toil harder. The second most important thing that great leaders follow, to achieve a fit lifestyle, is healthy eating. It does not mean that they don’t indulge in some good fried bacon or fine alcohol. Overall, successful people see to it that they maintain a proper diet with the necessary greens and proteins. Eating heavy food can make a person lazy and sleepy. Feeling slothful is not something a great person will have in their dictionary. Therefore, in order to work effectively and be energetic, exercise and healthy diets are essential to get at the top of the tree.

Mindful Meditation
You will always notice that great leaders will always be calm and composed at all times. They will be highly attentive to whatever you say and would respond to situations – not react. This can be achieved through mindful meditation. A thriving person is required to take control of circumstances and guide his/her team through any difficulty without overreacting. They will never begin their day by getting anxious from checking their phones and mails. But, indulge in some meditation so that they can achieve inner peace to help them through the day. Mindfulness helps attain focus on the ‘present.’ Those who have achieved prosperity, will always posses the art of providing undivided attention and focus on one thing at a time.

Top dogs in any society achieve a particular status through their attitude. They will always have their attitude in check and will constantly remain grounded, not boasting of their achievements. Gratitude is included in every flourishing person. Adding to that, the leader will always be gracious enough to acknowledge those around him. People look up to great leaders because of their humble nature and not their popularity or bank balance. The correct attitude will not only help one reach great heights, but also maintain and enjoy the position. A great leader will not just have lots of money and a good sense of humor but, will also possess qualities of being soft-spoken and thankful to those who work under him/her. People at the top incorporate this through mindfulness. They are always grateful for being alive and blessed.

Get Rest, Go!
Every successful leader will possess an impressive amount of energy. But that level energy can only be maintained if they take proper amount of rest. During weekends and holidays, most of the outliers see to it that they take time off work and spend quality time with their family and friends. A good rest works like a charger which is of utmost importance in wealthy peoples’ lives. A good rest helps the mind work faster and be more creative as well.

Read to Lead
Great leaders will always read and be aware of things going on around them. A leader may not possess knowledge about everything but, books help in bringing the knowledge to them. Reading extensively helps in making important decisions. They not only tend to read newspapers and magazines, but also novels, encyclopedias, autobiographies, old literature, etcetera. Reading helps in shaping a leader to become wiser and more aware. An outlier will not only read in order to get knowledge but also form it into a hobby. It helps in forming an informed opinion and thus, great leaders will always be the ones to make the right choices, even when others fail to see the results.

Family First
To quote Michael J Fox, “Family is not an important thing, it’s everything.” A flourishing person will never prioritize work over family. Families are integral part of everyone’s lives and they are the only ones who stand by you, even when others tend to give up on you. Family is the only motivation that is constant. Great leaders will never stop devoting time to their families. Family values like love, respect, giving space, understanding, etcetera helps a thriving person to be someone who others looks up to. Therefore, families are of utmost importance, and outliers will always make their loved ones a priority. Moreover, weekends and holiday times are spent with family to de-stress and feel rejuvenated.

Get set, Note!
A successful leader will always have things noted down in their “little black diary.” The most important entity for any great leader is their journal. They make use of them to not only plan their days’ work but also their monthly and annual agendas. Wealthy people keep thinking on various ideas, which cannot be remembered, if not noted down. Maintaining a journal is the most effective way to work and reach your way to the top. At business, you cannot afford to be absent-minded and forgetful. A journal is always handy to jot down assignments and meetings, as well as the thoughts that keep coming up in your mind.

Smile an everlasting smile…
And last but not the least, every successful person will put up a smile on his/her face, whatever may be the troubles. Every flourishing person go through tough times. And although the troubles may not be constant, a smile never fails to show up. This is by far, the best quality of a great leader. Successful people will always work with a smile on their face to show everyone that they are not weak and worried of anything. But, that does not mean they don’t feel low and weak. Outliers will always hide their vulnerabilities with a smile and keep fighting their way to the top. This is a major lesson we must incorporate in our lives as well. To quote a famous line, “Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry, and you cry alone.”

Reaching at the top of the ladder is not an easy task. It takes years and decades of hard work and commitment. But, they also require the enlisted things above, in order to become outstanding. It is necessary to note the things successful leaders do so that you too can become a more effective and a flourishing leader.